If you find yourselves at a cross-roads in your life, feel uncertain of which direction to take, frightened to instigate change or have had unwelcome change thrust upon you, need a friendly ear, feel stuck in a rut, feel that “there must be more to life than this!”, or many other reasons, then I am available for 1-to-1 listening/coaching/support with loads of techniques and practical advice to help you move forward.

I have personal experience of most of the above and have always provided support to family and friends before offering this support professionally.  I have undertaken a lot of self-study and was inspired to become a Louise Hay Workshop Leader in 2015.

I am also available to provide Business advice and support.  I have worked in many corporate organisations, start-ups and small family businesses and co-founded my own successful Health and Fitness business that now trades worldwide (www.rebound.fitness). I know that life at the top can be lonely, stressful and sometimes overwhelming.  I have a wealth of practical advice/experience I can offer and will help you “see the wood for the trees”.

the initial 30-minute consultation is free of charge and I will be honest about whether I feel I can help/support.  If I am unable to offer the service that I feel you need I will provide alternative options for you  from within my network where I am able to.

Follow up sessions are usually 60 – 90 minutes and charged at £60 per hour  for Individual consultations and priced as a project for Business consultations.

I also support the Retina UK and Guide Dogs for the Blind charities so do offer a number of consultations in return for donations to these organisations.

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