From Boardroom to a Balanced Lifestyle.
All is well in my World. And so it is.

Heather and Dave Moore – 1982 and still happy!

Remember to smile…

& spend time with those you love and who love you.

My story
I am the eldest child of four (twin brothers & sister) and with only 3 years separating us, it’s fair to say that my Mom had her hands full. This is where I believe my formative habits and beliefs were born; being a good girl, helping my Mom and generally being the bossy eldest child telling my siblings what to do and how to do it! Our household was very noisy – I learned from an early age to cherish my own company, love sitting in silence and became an avid book reader (or bookworm as my family fondly called me).
So, from a noisy and happy childhood, I set off to Bradford University in 1980 and met Dave in 1982 – within 6 months we were engaged and now 38 years later here we are!
I was fortunate to study IT at a point where the IT industry was very exciting and in my first years of employment I can honestly say that I don’t think I went to work – we were having such good fun, learning new things every year and earning good money. Work was play and play was work back then and it was a normal week for me to be working for 60 – 70 hours. Most of this was in the office as this was before the days of mobile phones and portable computers.
Everything started to change for me when I had children (Stephanie and Jonathan). By the time I reached age 38 in 2000, I was Managing Director of a multi-million-pound FTSE 250 IT company, still working long hours, and juggling work and motherhood. I was very fortunate to have a supportive husband and Dave stayed at home with the children – one of the early “role reversal” father’s which are more common today.
I had everything going for me – lovely family, supportive husband, successful career – but I wasn’t happy! I struggled with this for a quite a while, the feeling that I was ungrateful. What was wrong with me? What more did I want? There were so many others worse off than me, so what right did I have to feel this way? I read a lot, from all sorts of different authors, self-help gurus to key business influencers. I attended workshops. Trying to process all of these feelings and “fix things”.
What I found is a lot of other people were having similar feelings, so I embarked on my own “Pursuit of Happiness”.
The first thing for me was to take control of my time back. Although I was the MD, it was almost impossible to be in control of my time, and often I felt at the beck and call of the board, shareholders, clients and staff. My time wasn’t my own. There was constant compromise between my family and work, the short-term work goals and what I felt was longer term sustainable. This took its toll and in 2005 I took the brave step of leaving paid employment and became my own boss – eek!
I set up two business, the first was a Business Transformation Company which paid me a good income but importantly allowed me to choose which projects to spend my time on. I worked only with clients I knew (all my work was by personal referral) and I hired in people who’d worked with me in the past to deliver some of the work so that I could retain some personal time for my family. The second, I co-founded with a friend (he was my Personal Trainer) and this business became my passion – a health and fitness business with products that I truly believe transform lives ( For the first time in a long time I had work that I was passionate about – work became fun and fulfilling again and I had a much better work/life balance. Fantastically, I was earning more money than before! The Universe and Laws of Attraction at its very best! I carried on with my own self-development and met some wonderful people along the way. Seeing the difference this has made to my life, I wanted to share this with others.
I realise that my passion is “Making a Difference” – whether that’s to the performance of a business in my corporate world, or to an individual in their own journey of self-discovery. So, in 2015 I became a Licensed Heal Your Life® workshop leader based on the teachings of Louise Hay and her international bestseller “You Can Heal Your life” and started to develop my own workshops.
Which brings us to the present…
Making A Difference is my passion. People are at the heart of this. If you are looking to make changes yourself, or if you are leading a business that needs to make changes, there is nothing like the power of every individual fulfilling their dreams, finding their passion, being happy!